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ACT! is a registered trademark under exclusive license to Interact Commerce Corporation by its owner, Symantec Corporation, in the United States and other countries.

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There was a time, not long ago, when managing your contacts was a difficult and almost impossbile thing to implement. Business's would suffer or just die because sales people had out of date, incomplete or just plain inaccurate contact information. Information was stored on business cards, sticky notes, or notepads. After a long and drawn out battle, there emerged a better solution, Contact Management.

Computer software was designed so that salespeople had current and relevant contact information. These developments lead to increased sales! A sales person could now target their customer's needs and know specifically when a customer required new products or services. Sales grew and so did the needs of the sales professional; sales individuals needed something stronger, more powerful and easier to use. ACT! was created to fill this need.

One of the first contact managers ever developed was ACT! It was designed and built around the sales person, and it was an immediate hit!

ACT! has grown from several hundred users back in 1985 to over 3,000,000 registered users today! Over 11,000 corporate accounts now rely on ACT! to drive their business. ACT! is considered the grandfather of contact managers, and every year it grows bigger, better and more powerful.

Look at your business, now imagine if your business was powered by ACT!

- Want to see your sales grow!
- Want your market share to explode!
- Want to watch your competitor shrivel away

This is the kind of power, the kind of explosive results that you'll get with ACT!

Would you like to learn more?

What you will find at
ACT! (87% Market Share!)
ACT!, the best-selling contact manager, is used by millions and praised by experts around the world! From managing your contacts and schedule, to producing correspondence and reports, to working with all the latest devices, ACT! does it all-right out of the box. You'll see results instantly!

Fanatic (What you are about your business!)
Webster's definition of a fanatic; "A Fanatic is one who is moved by excessive enthusiasm and intense devotion!" This defines the way that you feel about your business!
You're a Fanatic!

ACT! (What we are!)
We are ACT! Fanatics. Training, installation, customization, configuration, implementation, all this and more; this is all we do day and night. We are fanatical about ACT! and about your business. We want every ACT! user to have an enthusiastic experience with ACT!

ACT! is a business tool designed to help you make more money $$$.

We are the best, and we are the most fanatical, we are

