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ACT! Certified Consultant Welcome to

Hallmark Holiday Calendar Database

What do you get when you mix the best informational holiday provider with the best contact manager?

We all know Hallmark … "When you care enough to send the very best"®

Hallmark is know as "The Holiday Provider", whether its birthday cards, greeting cards, or their ever popular annual calendars.

Well, ACT! Fanatics has collaborated with Hallmark Cards Incorporated, so that we can provide all you fanatics out there, with an official Hallmark Holiday Calendar Database.

This database contains all the recognized Hallmark Holidays from the year 2001 to the year 2005. Now you can have every major holiday in your ACT! Database.

How many years you have relied on Hallmark? Looking at that calendar on the kitchen wall or refrigerator, reviewing upcoming holidays and those special events! Now think about having that same world renowned holiday information in your ACT! Database!

We provide this to you for FREE!!!!

Why, because we are Fanatics!!!

This database is formatted for the ACT! 2000 application. Click on the links below to download the database and the install instructions.
